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Osman1105 Guestbook

KismatB  (10 years ago)

Be happy with what you have,
while working for what you want,
Remember, a happy and successful life,
begins with Allah and ends for Allah.
Have a Happy weekend
Take care


KismatB  (10 years ago)

Simple music can make you sing,
A simple hug can make you feel better,
Simple things can make you happy.
Hope my simple Hi!
Will make you smile
Have a great week friend
Take care


KismatB  (10 years ago)

Good evening friend
Have a nice time
Take care


KismatB  (10 years ago)

Pure heart is the greatest
prayer place in the world
Don't believe the smiling face
but believe the smiling heart
they are very rare in this world
Happy Wednesday friend
Take care


KismatB  (10 years ago)

Goodnight friend
Have a sweet dreams
Take care


KismatB  (10 years ago)

Dreams Give Rise To Hope.
Hope Inspires Efforts.
Efforts Result In Success.
So Dreams Are The Roots Of Success,
So let the dreams to come…

Goodnight friend
Take care


KismatB  (10 years ago)

Life is like water,
if you block one side,
it takes other turn to continue its journey.
so don’t stop ur journey with one failure !


KismatB  (10 years ago)
اسلام عليكم ورحمته الله وبركاته
جمعه مبارك لك

Very little is needed to have a happy Life.
it is all within yourself.
in ur ways of thinking.
No matter what u do,
do it with L0VE in ur HEART,

Good morning
Have a joyful day
Jumma mubarak
Take care


KismatB  (10 years ago)

Good morning friend
Have a happy Friday
Jummah Mubarak Lak
Take care


KismatB  (10 years ago)

7 Rules to be happy in life:-
(1) Never hate,
(2) Don’t worry,
(3) Live simple
(4) Expect a little,
(5) Give a lot,
(6) Always smile,
(7) And keep in touch with Allah


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