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Nisha212 Guestbook

suhaan153  (13 years ago)
May the 65th yr of that glorious night, Revive in our hearts the pristne zeal; Which inspired our souls to emerge as one, To erase from our destiny the British seal. May this auspicious day set at rest, Our turbulent minds and stormy past; May we all become a single hand, To firmly hold on to the nation's mast. May Pratibha, Hamid and Man Mohan Singh - The highest Triumvirate of India's fate. Become three faiths like the National Flag, To end the era of spite, malice and hate. Happy Independence Day...!!! {Image} {Image} {Image}
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
If U'rE nOt haPpy beIng siNGle, u'lL neVer bE haPpy iN A reLaTiOnShIp ! Y ?! LIVe uR oWn lIFe fiRst, nD tHEn tRy tO shAre iT wITh sOMe1 sPeCiAl... gOOd eVeNiNg dEAr...!!!
k362  (13 years ago)
Goodmrning 2 u.
k362  (13 years ago)
Goodmrning 2 u, wat r u doing?
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Good Morning sunshine a good morning to you. Good morning sunshine and a good day too. Keep a smile upon your face, for all the human race and a good morning sunshine & a good day too. Don't let earthly burdens bring you down, keep a smile and not a frown. Good morning sunshine and a good day too and know I love you. All through the day keep your chin up, your head held high and you'll have a good morning, sunshine and your day will be just fine. Good Morning Dear Friend...!!!
Praniket14344  (13 years ago)
Friendship me
raahil82  (13 years ago)
hey dis is raahil i wanna do frdsp wit u so, plz add me
Nisha212  (13 years ago)
@suhaan i m duing enginrng, and u?
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
The best lines ever said by a man - "I was born, a woman was there to hold me : my mother. I grew as a child, a woman there to care for me and play with me : my sister. I needed company, compatability and love, a woman was there for me : my wife.I became tough, a woman will be there to melt me : my daughter. When I will die, a woman will be there to absorb me in : my motherland. If u are a man, value every woman and if you are woman be proud to be one.
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Hello nisha. in which class do u read?
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