Yerrima (13 years ago)Good morning fri

superheroXD (13 years ago)i knw how yo feel

but, dnt be selfish, i bet she wont b happy if she come bk to yo

yo really want to see she hurt?? Do the rite buddy! Wake up!! She's not belong to yo nemore, yo have yor life ..dnt waste yor life nd her time

superheroXD (13 years ago)dnt say sorry me, the 1 who yo should say that is her

yo're too selfish

if i were yo, i'll let her go ..

i'm happy 4 my lover's happiness ..
superheroXD (13 years ago)i knew that nd she also knew that

but i told yo, yo should let her if yo really luv her

dnt hurt her nemore ..
superheroXD (13 years ago)let's her alone

she's too tired cuz of yo ..if yo really luv her, yo should let her go

dnt try to hold her beside yo

yo dnt wanna c she hurt rite?

just let her go ..

dnt make she hate yo ..keep nice memories

yo're wasting her time ..that's it!!
Tam230794 (13 years ago)I dunno that real or nt

sr i cnt help you

,, i want you to 4get her
Tam230794 (13 years ago)I know She gave yo so many chances

Tam230794 (13 years ago)Ok, tell, im listening