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KHALID2442 Guestbook

sifatullah  (13 years ago)
Hi love u frined.goodnight.
ravine44  (13 years ago)
good afternoon... {Image} {Image}
AryanL4U  (13 years ago)
hi shireen enjoy wd khalid...gud luck for u n thanx
AryanL4U  (13 years ago)
hello wht u say to her..
janbaz1989  (13 years ago)
hi khalid hu r u?
shireen98  (13 years ago)
dnt come here...
shireen98  (13 years ago)
remove them....
shireen98  (13 years ago)
wr r ya???
shireen98  (13 years ago)
everybody wantz to go in heaven..but nobody wantz to die..??
shireen98  (13 years ago)
give somethng vich u cant take back...take sumthng vich u cant give back.....
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