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Sexy baby inside!

Hajan31 Guestbook

Hajan31  (10 years ago)
Hajan31  (10 years ago)
I don't no
soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

Don't ₩@nt @

P€®f@¢t £¡f€....

₩@n't @

H@pP¥ £¡f€..

GoOD Mo®n¡ng

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

¥ou® $m¡£€ m@k€$ €v€®¥on€

®€@£¡z€ th@t th€ ₩o®£d ¡$ @

£ov€£¥ @nd b€@ut¡fu£ P£@¢€..

Go_OD Mo_®n¡nG

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

Life is a Fingerprint that can not be duplicated.

So make the Best impression with it.

Live it.

Love it.

Don’t waste a single moment in your life,

Because Time has no holiday.

Dreams have no expiry date.

And Life has no pause button.

Gud m0rning..!!

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

£ook...th€ moon ¡$ ¢@££¡ng u ...

$€€ th€ $t@®$ ® $h¡n¡ng fo® u..

H€@® m¥ h€@®t $@¥$: m@¥ God

bu¡£t @ ¢@$t£€ ¡n th€ h€@v€n

@nd m@d€ u €@t f®om ¡t$

f®u¡t$ !!!

Good N¡ght fr!end ...

$₩€€t D®€@mzzZzz

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

¡f ¥ou ₩@nt $om€th¡ng ¥ou n€v€r h@d,

Do $om€th¡ng ¥ou h@v€ n€v€r don€.

Don't go th€ ₩@¥ £¡fe t@k€$ ¥ou,

T@k€ th€ £¡f€ th€ ₩@¥ ¥ou go.

@nd r€m€mb€r ¥ou @r€ born to l¡v€,

Not £¡v¡ng b€©@u$€ ¥ou @r€ born.


soulmate160197  (10 years ago)
Subha ho gai o mamu o mamu

beta uthoo shool ni jana?


Hajan31  (10 years ago)
Os pe ao
ahanajain  (10 years ago)
pm over dear
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