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BiteMEamFREAK Guestbook

Jessjare  (13 years ago)
oH laDy. . . . I juSt loVe dA wAy u R. . . . . NiCe tO kNo u. . . ChIlLeD oUt. . . . I'm JeSs. . . . . .
Sanjoypiu  (13 years ago)
Hi babe
TheLastBoyOnEARTH  (13 years ago)
hollla babe.. I'm heRe.. I'm just chillin out.. And yo babe? ^^
Martin9985  (13 years ago)
morning babe good day!!
verovero90  (13 years ago)
my name is Vero and yours??
C0MICSB0Y  (13 years ago)
ya we guard each other ths is my latest freaky rap wots in yoh head .. Wot u thnkn' about .. If u wana beat me .. am gona kick u out .. If u dnt get it jus hear my shout .. cos i alws win .. Yeah i have no doubt ..
C0MICSB0Y  (13 years ago)
hey guyz .. Becarful whn u write smthng in my twin id .. Cos if u mz wth her u enter my hell .. Cos me n her own the place n together we gona fuck the world XD
BiteMEamFREAK  (13 years ago)
en yah tnq mah twineeee buninee muah totalliii luv ya' ^^ am gonna high en suckerz gonna die xDD peace outtt ^^
BiteMEamFREAK  (13 years ago)
who dosen't like meh ^^ jus go fuck ya self xD en jus hope ta be kool like meh ^^ ehe real men wouldn't block meh after mess'in with meh o.o so am dun care xD kill ya self am still gonna rock muah ^^
C0MICSB0Y  (13 years ago)
u dnt knw who u mz wth shes my twin u

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