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Athira59 Guestbook

rahulkonni007  (11 years ago)

jeyen26  (12 years ago)

Hallu.. Gd mrng...


Hv a God blessed Day..

Dave7792  (12 years ago)
Hello frnd !
How are you ?
Muhammad2080  (12 years ago)
Etra divasam yavidarunnu frnd
Muhammad2080  (12 years ago)
pranavmystyle  (12 years ago)
hai aaathu,contact me on +919846341965
Arjan11  (12 years ago)
sanjaayy1  (12 years ago)

{Image} {Image} {Image} A moment of love spent under the window,
A tear of eye that wets your pillow,
Sometimes pain & sometimes pleasure,
When given by loved one, both are treasure…
damodar54  (12 years ago)
A stùdent learned only one essay abt FRIEND...but in exam,the essay was to write abt FATHER..so,brilliantly he replace frnd to father in essay and wrote...

I am a very fatherly person..
I have lots of fathers...
Some of my fathers r males and some of them r females..
My mother is very close to many of my fathers....
My uncle is also my father..
My true fathers is my neighbour....
And i love all my fathers

keep smiling my frnd
asees369  (12 years ago)

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