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shenana55  (13 years ago)
pning kpala..

shenana55  (13 years ago)

shenana55  (13 years ago)
xpe2..blom g la..
shenana55  (13 years ago)

shenana55  (13 years ago)
u welc...
ravine44  (13 years ago)
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shenana55  (13 years ago)

body {
background-image: url('http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2754/2754860osbi026qyv.gif');
background-attachment: fixed;
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shenana55  (13 years ago)
wuwu..touching nye dgr cter aiz..huhu..xpela aiz ble smpai mse t jumpe la org g btol2 nk kt aiz..xpe mde lg..kn3
shenana55  (13 years ago)
k la..nmpak gye nye nk kne out ni..sok jmpe lg ye...
shenana55  (13 years ago)
apela...cinta 2 part of hdup kte..mne blh x cye...

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