maruf794(13 years ago) ReSpEcT ThE OlD.. WhEn uR YoUnG.. HeLp tHe wEaK.. WhEn uR StRoNg.. cOnFeSs tHe fAuLt.. wHeN Ur wRoNg.. bCoZ OnEdAy iN LiFe.. u wIlL Be oLd, WeAk & wRoNg...gOoD NiGhT..tHiNk wIsE. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794(13 years ago) LiFe nEvEr sEeMs tO Be tHe wAy wE WaNt iT, bUt wE LiVe iN ThE BeSt wAy wE CaN, tHeRe iS No pErFeCt lIfE, bUt wE CaN FiLl iT WiTh pErFeCt mOmEnTs, KeEp sMiLiNg...wIsHiNg sMiLiNg wEeKeNd... {Image} {Image} {Image}