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cutestangel36 Guestbookmylove0015 (11 years ago) Good morning {Image} A sincere FRIEND is an extension of my ownself Without whom I m incomplete.. So, Take Gud care of yourself.. B’coz I don?t want to lose a part of myself ? ;-> {Image} keep smilling yours loving JIMY mylove0015 (11 years ago) good morning {Image} B a POET Whn U r ALONE B a KiNG Whn U COMMAND B a SCiENTiST Whn U WORK B a LOVER Whn U C ARTS B a HiSTORY Whn U DiE & B My BEST FRiEND Until I DiE . . . |?!’| {Image} keep smilling yours loving JIMY mylove0015 (11 years ago) good morning {Image} If you delete this SMS You love me, If you keep it, You want me, If you ignore it, You adore me, If you send it back, You can’t live without me Now what will u do? Tell me !! {Image} keep smilling yours loving JIMY tarekttoty (11 years ago) More Flowers Greetings Comments More Flowers Greetings Comments More Flowers Greetings Comments More Flowers Greetings Comments More Flowers Greetings Comments mylove0015 (11 years ago) good morning {Image} n my dreams, we were never apart. In my dreams you kept me close. In my dreams you loved me the most. In my dreams we’re Always together. Might as well be dreaming forever. but because i accept you and respect you the way you are. {Image} keep smilling yours loving JIMY mylove0015 (11 years ago) morning good {Image} Even though one’s friends Are important in life What is the point of hanging on friend With a sharp tongue That sharper than a sword And who shamelessly wear a mask What is the point of hanging onto friend Who cannot juts be friend And have a load of negative Attitude towards you and Cannot consider where-how-and what In matter of truths but represents A symbol of friendship To be going down to ground zero What is the point of hanging onto friend Who can’t say thank’s to good things And while you say I care…I hope you too Only to hurt yourself And she want you to be is To go along of what she wants and say What is the point on hanging onto friend Who gave no importance of The friendship that you know And every now and then Nothing but an oxygen thief and Only hurts and lie… {Image} keep smilling yours loving JIMY | |