djoeva (12 years ago)cantik yah!
pinklover45 (12 years ago)Hello Dear,
My name is Sophia, i come across your lovely profile here in this site and i became interested in you and i will like you to write me through my private email id at ( ) so that i can tell you more about myself and send to you my pictures.
Yours Sophia.
( )
Ali458 (12 years ago)fine tnx & u
Ali458 (12 years ago)assalamu alaikum alifia
Ron14157 (12 years ago)Y gak lamalah,baru 7 thn aja koq.klo kamu dah pernah datang ke Kl y taulah gimana rasanya...
Ron14157 (12 years ago)Ma'af y saya blsnya diguestbook nya kamu,mesej ku dah hbs limitnya...