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Iamveetrie Guestbook

Idhopsht0753  (13 years ago)
hai veetrie...?????
RuslanHarys  (13 years ago)
Mata yg indah N snyum mnismu,mmbwt Q ingn mngnal U........!,izinknlh Q mnjdi tman U wnta cntyk..........!
kharraz04  (13 years ago)
hei thanks
Hoedy93  (13 years ago)
Hai,tq dah cnfrmsi,km nak mna
musanu  (13 years ago)
Rockkstar2011  (13 years ago)
Idhopsht0753  (13 years ago)
mat mlm...
Idhopsht0753  (13 years ago)
mat siang...
Idhopsht0753  (13 years ago)
trma ksh mau jd tmn ku......
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
A man walking on shaking bridge prayed for help and saw God on other side. He asked God to come near but God didn't come. Man got angry and with great difficulty crossed to other side and saw God holding the broken bridge. Trust Him... His ways are Amazing... Good Morning Dear...!!! {Image} {Image} {Image}

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