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Eta87 Guestbook

maruf794  (13 years ago)
QuTe sAcRiFiCe fOr lOvE: "A YoUnG BoY TaLkInG To a gHoSt.. .bOy: WhY DiD YoU DiE … ? ? gHoSt: I WaS HiT By a cAr tRyInG To sAvE SoMeOnE. BoY: wHy? gHoSt: BeCaUsE I DoN’T WaNt hEr tO GeT HuRt. bOy: YoU ReAlLy lOvE HeR A LoT BeCaUsE YoU’Ve sAcRiFiCeD YoUr 0Wn lIfE JuSt FoR HeR. mAy bE ShE’S SaD NoW, bEcAuSe 0F YoUr dEaTh. gHoSt: No. ShE’S VeRy hApPy bEcAuSe tHe 0Ne tHaT I SaVeD Is tHe mAn wHoM ShE LoVeS. . .''WisHiNg LoVeLy WeEkEnd WiTh TrUe LoVe... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
jodyirwansyah  (13 years ago)
good night eta! Lam knl dr ax jody...
Anuj3126  (13 years ago)
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Tinkana  (13 years ago)
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Eta87  (13 years ago)
I am very happy, thanx hanny..
Eta87  (13 years ago)
Nice friday.. Thanx to visit my profile.. -eta-
brokenheart4225  (13 years ago)

Tinkana  (13 years ago)
Orkut ScrapsDesiComments.com | Good Night | Forward this Picture
brokenheart4225  (13 years ago)

Anuj3126  (13 years ago)
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