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jufabie GuestbookSoUnCool (12 years ago) well, i used tu sleep in dark, and i used tu be friens with devils and Zombies, so i'm used tu it i see, hOw's yOr concert ? hOpe yoh rOck it up well, let's Xchange, yOh cOme tu lOndon, and i'll visit yOrs, yOh can enjOy the snOw as much as yOu can i already get sick of it ...and yOh need a smOOth place tu skate, and Outside lOOks lyk ice rOcks anD i like skatin thn skiin ...P;S happi valentine LorraineHofer (12 years ago) YeP i olvaz do gUd durin exams heheh..''kidding'' But it was oL ok.. m hapi it was olredi done.. .. Nway hOws uR datE? Heheh.. SoUnCool (12 years ago) LMFAO xD an Alien Or mOre clOse tu a vampire .. yOh gOtta take a pic alien louis I'm gOOd, been busi with ma studies, anD damn!! lOndOn is still sOnwin it lOOks lyk an Iceberg Outside, i even can't skate secretwitch (12 years ago) m fine and wish u fine too esp gud health so u can practice and act well in ur concerti think ur dream come true now..try the bestwill support u 4ever,my fri SoUnCool (12 years ago) hEy Lens bOy ..sOrri fOh late replay Dude!!..bEen so busiiiiii *-*\ hAve a gOOd day | |