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Frnds4ever07 Guestbook

Frnds4ever07  (13 years ago)
Hey friend... Please vote for me!! I am back In the Icon compitition after a month!! I missed to play this compition a lot & I missed to bring your precious,kind and lovely vote to me!! But now am here to bring it again...... Hope you will give me your Important vote!! because I really Need It to proove That am The Real champ!! Because this time we 3 champions of ownskin are nominated In Icon of the week!! To vote me you just have to go In bebodreamworld2 profile and write "SANASANA2" on her guest book..! Her avatar Is a computer!! You can find her In my profile! {Image} so please try to understand my smart friend and vote for me The real champ..!!!!! Thanks.!
sweetheart13  (13 years ago)

flamboyantABU  (13 years ago)
Eid Mubarak Sis...
JaungaBoyz  (13 years ago)
Eid mubarak ho sana ...enjoy your day :smile
UjjalLove  (13 years ago)
Hi Sana.funny latest feelings
maruf794  (13 years ago)
WoNdErFuL SaYiNg aBoUt dReAm: 'yOu sEe tHiNgS; aNd yOu sAy, 'wHy?' bUt i dReAm tHiNgS ThAt nEvEr wErE; aNd i sAy, 'wHy nOt?' wIsHiNg dReAmY NiGhT DeAr... ~..~ ~ ..~ {Image}
UjjalLove  (13 years ago)
I miss this ID
maruf794  (13 years ago)
SoMeTiMeS We mUsT Be hUrT In oRdEr tO GrOw SoMeTiMeS We mUsT FaIl iN OrDeR To kNoW sOmEtImEs wE MuSt lOsE In oRdEr tO GaIn bEcAuSe sOmE LeSsOnS In LIfE ArE BeSt LEaRnEd tHrOuGh pAiN. sO PaIn iS GaIn...pAiN Is tHe sOuRcE Of cReAtIoN..iF YoU HaVe pAiN..dOnT BrOke... JuSt cReAt sOmEtHiNg sPeCiAl fOr oThErS.. aT LeAsT FoR YoU... GoOd mOrNiNg... HaVe a cReAtIvE DaY... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
diyamiley1  (13 years ago)
Hey sana,gd morng*
maruf794  (13 years ago)
OnLy a fEw CaRiNg hEaRtS cAn eAsIlY IdEnTiFy SuM LiTtLe lIeS In Ur sMiLe & sUm mOrE TrUtH iN Ur tEaRs!!! sO NeVeR LeT tHeM Go fRoM yOuR LiFe!…… GuT NiGhT...kEEp sMiLinG... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}

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