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AKU143 Guestbook

missjeanvill62  (12 years ago)


did u see it na..???

good evening


missjeanvill62  (12 years ago)

Let us always meet
each other with smile,
for the smile is the beginning of love


L0veHuRt  (12 years ago)
HaVe A GuD Dae

n kEeP SmILinG


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Chitra39  (12 years ago)
S-say Thanks To The G0d
L-lying 0n The Bed
E-cl0se Your Eyes
E-end 0f The Day
P-plan F0r The Next Day....

Good Night
L0veHuRt  (12 years ago)
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Forget who hurt you yesterday,
But don't forget who loves you tenderly today

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My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you,
my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach outfor you.

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L0veHuRt  (12 years ago)
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True love is when you can love someone without conditions… is when you can let the person you love be who he/she really is.

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Real love can be found anywhere; itis something that is there if you have the eyes to see it…

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moonriver175  (12 years ago)



ANGEL watch over you


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