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Idea for Valentine Days

5starNIGGA Guestbook

Asad1138  (11 years ago)

Friends are like FILMS

Some are MUSICAL,



Some are TRAGEDY

But very Few are OSCAR Wining like You

Good Noon Friends

shyangel12  (11 years ago)

EveN afteR all this tiMe
tHe suN NeveR sayS to the eaRtH,
"You owe Me."
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the wHole Sky.

Asad1138  (11 years ago)
tu khod a ky marvata ha bahi me kya karon
timetochaang  (11 years ago)


welcome again
Asad1138  (11 years ago)
Bawa geeeeeeeeeeeee
Asad1138  (11 years ago)

My wishes are silent but true,

Everywhere they will follow you…

Luck is yours,Wishes are mine…

I wish your present & future always shine…

Good Evening

Asad1138  (11 years ago)
g bawa g
Asad1138  (11 years ago)
me ny raat ko hi apko bata dia tha
Asad1138  (11 years ago)
g bawa g hokam
Asad1138  (11 years ago)

One tree can start a forest

One smile can start friendship

One touch can show love and care

nd one friend like you

Can make life worth living

Good Evening Friends

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