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xantii Guestbookmaruf794 (13 years ago) HavE FantAstiC WeeKenD WitH LovE AnD SmilE. .. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) ExcusÈ mÊ,, Is someonÊ carÊ abouT mÉ ? Is someonÈ ha$ feeling$ foR mÊ ? I aM thÈ onlÝ persoÑ whÖ misse$ everyonÈ. WhÖ wil£ mis$ mÈ ? PleasÈ Mis$ mÈ thaT sweeT anÐ dreamY nighT NÖ ONÈ ??? {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) 'ThE BesT RelatioN iS… WheN S’OnE HurtS YoU, YoU don’T HurT bacK.. WheN S’OnE HitS YoU, YoU don’T HiT bacK… WheN S’OnE NeglectS YoU, YoU don’T NeglecT !…. BuT, WheN S’OnE NeedS YoU, YoU alwayS ComE BacK. ….. !' thatS thE keE oF relationS.. KeY oF healthY livinG..keY oF lovE anD peacE..i'M thankfuL tO yoU coZ wE arE relateE witH thE bonD oF friendshiP smilinG anD brighT daY 4 yoU {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) FrienD.. yoU arE mY eyeS.. WitH yoU I caN seE thE dreaM.. frienD.. yoY R mY nosE.. WitH yoY I caN geT thE smelL oF lifE.. FrienD.. yoU arR mY teetH.. WitH yoY I caN enjoE smilE. FrienD.. actuallY YoU ArE mY body.. WitHouT YoU I aM notTing.' KeeP smilinG havE peacE anD dreamS N nighT {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) Respect to u,like u,love u, its a wonderful journey with u here i think ur support will helpe me lot i'm feeling happy and i'm lucky to having u as my friend.... so i jus wana say THANK YOU... happy day my friend | |