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Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
Age appears to be best in some things . Old wood best to burn . Old books best to read . Old rice best to eat & old friends best to keep . Good morning
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
True affection cant be identified soon but when u loose it , u will feel & cry 4 the person 2 d whole life . So dont miss ur dear onces , good morning
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
Friendship's not a game to play , not a word to say , it doesn't start in MARCH & end in MAY , it's tomorrow , yesterday , today & everyday . , Good morning
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
To Live I Need Heart Beat , 4 Heart Beat I Need A Heart , 4 Heart I Need A Friend & 4 A Friend , I Need U , good morning
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
FoRgEt YoUr OwN HaPpInEsS bY tRyInG 2 cReAtE a LiTtLe HaPpInEsS fOr OtHeRs . ReMeMbEr ! WhEn U aRe GoOd 2 OtHeRs , U aRe BeSt 2 YoUr SeLf , good morning
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
True tearful quote-
"Even my pillow understands me & makes itself dry for next day to make me comfortable,but not the person who made me cry."... Good morning
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
I was in pub last night with my wife and said , I LOVE YOU she said is dat u or d beer talking I said its me darling .......... To d beer. , Good morning , Hve a smilling day
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
I was in pub last night with my wife and said , I LOVE YOU she said is dat u or d beer talking I said its me darling .......... To d beer. , Good morning , Hve a smilling day
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
If People talk behind your back , What does that mean ! SIMPLE...It means , you are two steps ahead of them . Think positive and Be positive . GoOd MoRnInG

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