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FIRE2012 Guestbookichigatsu1984 (11 years ago) I wish to be remembered not as your best friend but as your true friend.. it is because not all the best are true, but all true are better than best.. ichigatsu1984 (11 years ago) Try punching a wall. Did it fight back? Yes, it did. You were also hurt. Hug a pillow. Did it hug you too? Yes, you felt the warmth. Shout! Hear it?Yes, because you're listening. Lesson? 'APPRECIATE.' Always appreciate everything and everyone around you even if sometimes they give you pain... good eve ichigatsu1984 (11 years ago) The HEART can skip beats for a while. MEMORiES can be kept in a file. But nothing can stop my SMiLE when your name appears on my WALL... ichigatsu1984 (11 years ago) Love is being honest with yourself at all times. Being honest with the other person at all times. Telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending. Love is the source of reality... ... ichigatsu1984 (11 years ago) liFe aLwayS giVes y0u bAck wat y0u givE ouT.. iTs a miRr0r oF y0ur oWn aCti0ns.. y0ur liFe iS n0t a c0incidEnce, bUt an eCho oF y0ur oWn d0ings. ichigatsu1984 (11 years ago) GOD's plan is always best, sometimes the process is painful & hard, but dont forget when GOD is silent, He is doing something best surprisingly! Good am! God bless. ichigatsu1984 (11 years ago) THOUGHT FOR TONIGHT Turn your face towards the light, and the shadows fall behind you | |