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Evil and cruel !!

Anshul52 Guestbook

maruf794  (13 years ago)
'WhEn yOu arE fAlliNg.. aNd cAn’t sAvE yOuRsElf.. rEaCh fOr thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WhEn yOu arE cRyiNg.. aNd cAn’t seE aN eNd.. rEaCh fOr thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WheN yOuR worlD iS eNdiNg.. aNd yOu cAn’t rEpeNt.. rEaCh foR thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WhEn yOu aRe dyiNg.. dOn’t tRy tO hElp.. reAch foR thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD...' timE of mY fAlliNg.. cRyiNg.. lauGHing.. loViNg.. riSiNg.. shAriNg.. evEn dyiNg.. I bElivE yOu'lL bE witH mE.. mY friEnD. WilL yOu? sWEeT niGht.. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
Amaan9559  (13 years ago)
Hwz u Anshu bhaiya
Hwz d lyf gng
Hwz d day Hamara sapna usi din choor choor hogaya , jab hamari girlfreind pehli baar ghar aai to mummi ne kaha jaao beta didi ke liye coldrink le aao.... Gud ni8 take care
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'ArE wE frndS oR ArE wE noT ? YoU tolD mE oncE...buT i forgoT.. So telL mE noW... anD telL mE truE.. sO i cAn sAy... I aM herE foR u.. Of alL thE frNds... I havE EveR mEt.. u r thE onE... I’lL nEvEr foRgEt.. AnD if i diE... beforE yOu dO.. I wilL gO tO hEaVeN... AND waiT foR U...' tO YOU.... MY FRIEND {Image} wE arE frienD {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} miss you anshu
333968  (13 years ago)
We lit the lamp of friendship,
So many years ago.
And it still burns brightly,
Amid times ebb and flow.
A sparkler in the darkness,
That cannot dim or fade.
A light that will not falter,
In sunshine or in shade.
On life’s road we travel,
Its friendly flame we see.
And may its light keep shining,
For all the years to be.
Have a beautiful day & night
Just for My dear friend
■ ▆ ▇ █ █ ⒿⒺⒺⓅ █ █ ▇ ▆ ■

maruf794  (13 years ago)
happy to see you dada {Image} {Image}
alien2012  (13 years ago)
sorry {Image} mai theek ha tusi sunao? Yaar tussh apni local lang. Vich gall karoge mere naal i.e. Kangri?
alien2012  (13 years ago)
good morning too anshul. kidar c tussi? Ki karde paye ho? {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} have a nice day. Take care
maruf794  (13 years ago)
LoVeLy WiShEs TO a LoVeLy pErSoN FrOm a LoVeLy pErSoN FOR a LoVeLy pErSoN aT a LoVeLy TimE iN a LoVeLy mOoD iN a LovEly StylE TO sAy 'HAVE A PEACEFUL NIGHT> WitH SiLeNt sMilE {Image} {Image} LoVeLy WiShEs TO a LoVeLy pErSoN FrOm a LoVeLy pErSoN FOR a LoVeLy pErSoN aT a LoVeLy TimE iN a LoVeLy mOoD iN a LovEly StylE TO sAy 'HAVE A PEACEFUL NIGHT> WitH SiLeNt sMilE {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} sWeEt dReAm'swhy yo avoid me anshu..wats happened brother
Vivek8660  (13 years ago)
gud mrng brother

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