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Evil and cruel !!

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maruf794  (13 years ago)
As cLoUd cOvEr tHe sUn TrUtH CoVeR ThE LiE aNgEl cOvEr tHe eViL fLoWeRs CovEr ThE GaRdEn LoVe cOvErS hAtE I WiSh & pRaY ThAt hApPiNeSs cOvErS ALL ThE WoRrIeS Of yOuR LiFe gOd hAs a rEaSoN FoR AlLoWiNg tHiNgS To hApPeN wE MaY NeVeR UnDeRsTaNd HiS WiSdOm bUt wE SiMpLy hAvE To tRuSt hIs wiLL... SwEeT aFteRNooN... DeAr... gOd bLeSs yOu aLL tHe wAy... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
StEaLiNg tHe bLuE FrOm tHe spLAsHiNg sEaS, A TiNgE Of gReEn fRoM ThE YoUtHfUl tReEs, a bIt oF OrAnGe fRoM ThE SuNsEt hUeS, WiTh cRyStAl wHiTe fRoM ThE MoRnInG DeWs, i hAv fRaMeD A BrIgHt aNd cOlOuRfUl wIsH JuSt fOr u...GOOD MORNING DEAR i'm tHaNkFuL and rEaLlY GrEaTfUl tHaT I HaVe a fRiEnD LiKe yOu... yOu aRe a wOnDeRfUl perSON... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'aLwAyS BeLiEvE ThE SuPrEmAcY wItHiN YoU sTaRt wAlKiNg tOwArDs yOuR TaRgEt PrAyErS WiLl dEfEnD YoU AnD ShOw yOu tHe rIgHt PaTh Be cOnStRuCtIvE AnD Do nOt gIvE AtTeNtIoN tO DiSaPpOiNtMeNtS jUsT BeLiEvE In yOu bE CoNfidEnT aNd bRaVe...' gUt DaY...
maruf794  (13 years ago)
SoMeTiMeS We mUsT Be hUrT In oRdEr tO GrOw SoMeTiMeS We mUsT FaIl iN OrDeR To kNoW sOmEtImEs wE MuSt lOsE In oRdEr tO GaIn bEcAuSe sOmE LeSsOnS In LIfE ArE BeSt LEaRnEd tHrOuGh pAiN. sO PaIn iS GaIn...pAiN Is tHe sOuRcE Of cReAtIoN..iF YoU HaVe pAiN..dOnT BrOke... JuSt cReAt sOmEtHiNg sPeCiAl fOr oThErS.. aT LeAsT FoR YoU... GoOd mOrNiNg... HaVe a cReAtIvE DaY... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
OnLy a fEw CaRiNg hEaRtS cAn eAsIlY IdEnTiFy SuM LiTtLe lIeS In Ur sMiLe & sUm mOrE TrUtH iN Ur tEaRs!!! sO NeVeR LeT tHeM Go fRoM yOuR LiFe!…… GuT NiGhT...kEEp sMiLinG... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'iF YoU LiVe lOnG EnOuGh, YoU’Ll mAkE MiStAkEs. BuT If yOu lEaRn fRoM ThEm, YoU’Ll bE A BeTtEr pErSoN. iT’S HoW YoU HaNdLe aDvErSiTy, NoT HoW It aFfEcTs yOu. ThE MaIn tHiNg iS NeVeR QuIt, NeVeR QuIt, NeVeR QuIt.' – gUt nItE {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} [ {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
11 sIgNs tHaT Ur iN LoVe... eLeVeN: YoU WaLk rEaLlY SlOw wHeN YoU'Re wItH ThEm. TeN: yOu fEeL ShY WhEnEvEr tHeY'Re aRoUnD nInE: yOu sMiLe wHeN YoU HeAr tHeIr vOiCe EiGhT: wHeN YoU LoOk aT ThEm, YoU CaN'T SeE ThE OtHeR PeOpLe aRoUnD YoU, yOu jUsT SeE HiM/HeR sIx: ThEy'rE AlL YoU ThInK AbOuT fIvE: yOu rEaLiZe yOu'rE AlWaYs sMiLiNg wHeN YoU'Re lOoKiNg aT ThEm FoUr: YoU WoUlD Do aNyThInG FoR ThEm JuSt tO SeE ThEm ThReE: wHiLe rEaDiNg tHiS, tHeRe wAs oNe pErSoN On yOuR MiNd tHiS WhOlE TiMe TwO: yOu wErE So bUsY ThInKiNg aBoUt tHaT PeRsOn, YoU DiDn't nOtIcE NuMbEr sEvEn wAs mIsSiNg oNe: YoU JuSt sCrOlLeD Up tO ChEcK & ArE NoW SiLeNtLy lAuGhInG At yOuRsElF... nOw mAkE A WiSh. YoU KnOw yOu wAnT To...... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} here another short msg for you.'. just replying me without read
maruf794  (13 years ago)
Im sIcK Of cRyInG i'm tIrEd oF TrYiNg YeAh iM SmIlInG BuT InSiDe iM DyInG aNd i dOn't kNoW WhAtS HaPpEnInG mY AbNoRmAlItIeS ArE CoMiNg AnD I DoN'T KnOw nOtHiNg I JuSt wAnT To kNoW EvErYtHiNg mY HeAd iS CrAkInG tHeY SaY Im fAiLiNg tHeY DoN'T KnOw aNyThInG BuT ThE TrUtH Is iM JuSt sTaRtInG LiFe iS NoThInG CoMpArE To CrYiNg aNd LAuGhiNg lOvE Is sOmEtHiNg iF YoU KnOw wHaT'S HaPpEnInG If yOu dOn't kNoW LiVe aNd dIe tHeN Do nOtHiNg tHiS Is tHe mEaNiNg oF SuFfErInG... iM JuSt gUeSsInG i rEaLlY DoN'T KnOw tHe mEaNiNg bUt aT LeAsT ItS RhYmInG AnD Im nOt jOkInG FoR Me tHiS Is sOmEtHiNg eVeN ThOuGh fOr yOu iTs nOtHiNg... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} WisHiNg sMiLiNg ĕvĕńĩńğ hope you will read my short msg
argelix  (13 years ago)
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suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Happy Morning!!! Between yesterday's mistake & 2morrow's hope, There's a fantastic opportunity called TODAY... Live it! The day is yours. Good Morning Dear Friend & Have A Joyful DaY Ahead...!!! {Image} {Image} {Image}

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