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YourFirstFriend GuestbookxChocolateMallows (12 years ago) Let yOur dreams be bIgger than yOur fears.. yOur actIons lOuder than wOrds.. & yOur faIth strOnger than yOur feelIngs.. ~ happy weekend ~ HeadHunt3R (12 years ago) ✽╰☆╮✽╰☆╮✽╰☆╮✽ {Image} {Image} Half our life is spent trying to find somethingto do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save..have a great mondae!! {Image} {Image} ✽╰☆╮✽╰☆╮✽╰☆╮✽ ✽ heartlesslarka (12 years ago) A Smile Is The Lighting System Of The Face, Cooling System Of Head And Healing System Of Heart. So Keep Smiling All Day. Have A Nice Day!!! {Image} Good Morning Take Care Ramadan Mubarak | |