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Nelda63 Guestbook

Nelda63  (10 years ago)
GOD..why r u keeping me here? U know my pain & sorrow so why won't u bring me home? I'm so tired of being sick its destroying me. And one who's giving me the pain & sorrow doesn't understand how much it hurts that's he's gone away. If one I loved felt just half of how much I hurt without him maybe he wouldn't of ran away. So u see GOD I'm tired & I can't go on living like this Iim really ready to go, maybe my help & love will benefit someone in heaven since it ain't working here. It because of u my lord for bringing someone so special to me to let him go away. Now my bodies in so such pain so I'm begging u my lord now to bring me peace. I told u without my angel I don't want to be here anymore. So please come for me soon and take this pain away don't make me suffer to long.."PLIEASE GOD...I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY AGAIN"

Nelda63  (10 years ago)
I need my Best Friend back...I have no one to talk to...To share things with...I just lay alone in my room crying...Waiting for God to take me home.
Nelda63  (10 years ago)

I'm so sad :-( I lost my best friend :-( He went away and forgot our 5 yr friendship :-( Like I never existed in his life :-( He was my rock, he made me strong, he was the glue that held me together :-( Now I can't even reach him when I need him :-( Only when he decides to talk to me will he call :-( Please tell me what kind of friend is this?? :-(
Nelda63  (10 years ago)
I thought I had found the perfect best friend, but turns out he lied to me whole time I've known him. :-( 5yrs thought I meant something to him but when u can go away and not feel or care about how other feels when u leave them, guess I just wasn't much of a friend at all. And true friends u can always get ahold of right when u need them not only once a week if they want..this isn't friend at all
JohnAGoodFriend5555  (10 years ago)
But there is friend i knw he is tøo perfect
Nelda63  (10 years ago)
God I hate my life..I just want to go away and never return..Been hurt so much lately my heart just can't take anymore..I pray for my death everyday..I'll never trust or love anyone again..I've been such a fool cause I believed there's good in everybody boy was I ever stupid.
Nelda63  (10 years ago)
Cool..I might need the help..HV good day friend
HealthfriendsJitu  (10 years ago)
hi,i too new this site,don't wory medam. We together
HealthfriendsJitu  (10 years ago)
hi Nelda
kind37  (10 years ago)
Thanks 4 ur compliment .

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