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Neha003 Guestbookmylove0015 (10 years ago) good morning {Image} HAPPY NEW YEAR Fresh Air…. Fresh Idea…. Fresh Talent…. Fresh Energy…. I wish U to have a ….. Sweetest Sunday, Marvelous Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Friendly Friday, Success full never tell the words which i told ….. never tell the words which u told ………. but tell to everyone that we are come back with saying “HAPPY NEW YEAR" {Image} keep smilling JIMY mylove0015 (10 years ago) good morning {Image} Don’t take tension, u’ll get ur destination. Don’t make ur mind jam, due to exam. Believe urself, GOD will help you to get success. Wishing you best of luck my dear……. {Image} keep smilling JIMY mylove0015 (10 years ago) good morning {Image} IF WE THINK ALL GOOD OR BAD INCIDENTS HAPPENING IN OUR LIFE ARE FOR OUR SAKE,THEN WE FACE ANY INCIDENT WITH COURAGE AND LEAD A SUCCESSFUL LIFE. {Image} keep smilling JIMY mylove0015 (10 years ago) good morning {Image} A FEW GOOD THOUGHTS 1>Pray as if everything depends on God & work as everything depends on you. 2>To handle yourself use ur head;to handle others use ur heart. 3>Do not lose head in success & heart in failure. 4>Beauty and color may attract the eye but only a smile appeals to the heart…. {Image} keep smilling JIMY mylove0015 (10 years ago) good morning {Image} “Response” is one of the powerful weapons to occupy a place in others ‘HEART’. . . So, Always give response to who cares For You..! {Image} keep smilling JIMY mylove0015 (10 years ago) good morning {Image} Don’t b Happy 4 a Specific Reason. B’coz that Happiness will b End when the Reason ends. Try to B Happy without any Reason & U will b Happy Forever. Keep Smiling ~SMILE~ {Image} keep smilling JIMY mylove0015 (10 years ago) good morning {Image} I Love You From the Heart. i love u when u are happy i love u when u are sad i love u when u are laughing i love u when u are mad i love u when u are playful i love u when u are blue but the reason why i love u b’coz u are you !! {Image} keep smilling JIMY :note mylove0015 (10 years ago) good morning {Image} Every problem is like a big door.Surely there is a solution like a small key which can open it easily.Find the key.Life is simple. {Image} keep smilling JIMY mylove0015 (11 years ago) good morning {Image} B a POET Whn U r ALONE B a KiNG Whn U COMMAND B a SCiENTiST Whn U WORK B a LOVER Whn U C ARTS B a HiSTORY Whn U DiE & B My BEST FRiEND Until I DiE . . . |?!’| {Image} keep smilling JIMY mylove0015 (11 years ago) good morning {Image} U Maybe Tired of many greetings like Hi Hello Gud Morning Gud Noon Hav A nice day and so on . . . Now here’s my simple fresh line Can U smile 4 me once.:-) {Image} keep smilling : P JIMY | |