Yeonna (14 years ago)Keep me in ur heart^^
Yeonna (14 years ago)Dongwon~ kamsahamnida^^
Jaedongwon (14 years ago)I'm happy right now......
katlene15 (14 years ago)well .. I lyk makin frns .. I lyk to noe wht diffrnt ppl thn k.. Whr dey r frm .. Dere plc .. i shw myslf th wae i m ol th tym .. Odr wise derz no use ..M lyk n open book .. Ppl read me .. Dose hu lyk me bcum cloz frns .. Dose hu dnt.. well .. I dnt cre much buh dey r nt enemies eithr .. Hehe .. Evry1 lyks tu b friendly .. Cuz evry1 luvs tu mke good frns ..
Jaedongwon (14 years ago)I had meet yeon last week..... I dont know why she dont like me........
Yeonna (14 years ago)U want to meet me?? Up to u~
Yeonna (14 years ago)Whats wrong wif u dong-won.......
eiyst91 (14 years ago)
thanks coz add me!!!