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BRASHAA GuestbookJustILU (13 years ago) {Image} Life is like a Book: Each day a new page wd adventures to experience, lessons 2 learn and good deeds to replicate. Have a COLORFUL PAGE today Good Morning {Image} A bond of love, A medal of trust. A shoulder in sadness, A hand in darkness. A special relation to hold, An ear where secrets can be told. An appreciator for encouragement, Something that doesn’t cost. A jewel never to be lost. Is the magic called F R I E N D I love my friends {Image} Love belongs 2 boy & girl Study belongs 2 teacher & student Life belongs 2 husband & wife but FRIENDSHIP belongs 2 two sweet hearts like "U" & "ME" {Image} Look Outside it's So Pleasant! Sun Smiling 4 U ! Trees Dancing 4 U ! Birds Singing 4 U ! Bcoz, I Asked Them All 2 say You "U R MY BEST FREND" {Image} N'joy ur day Just ILU SILU JustILU (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} Just ILU SILU JustILU (13 years ago) HAPPY SUNDAY {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} My Precious Friend We all need someone To talk to in our life, A friend to whom we run In times of stress or strife A friend who's always there Throughout the years, A friend we know will care And take away our fear A friend who's always near, Waiting for our call, To wipe away our tears, And lift us when we fall. A loving friend indeed, {Image} {Image} {Image} Just ILU S I L U | |