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Alisha68 Guestbook

Riyaz01  (13 years ago)

Every nice Friend is
A Gift of God
It's one of
Life's Best Blessings
A priceless Gift
That can never Be
Bought sold or Forgotten
{Image} Just Like you {Image}
May you always
Be surrounded with






ashishkhanduri  (13 years ago)
miss you alisha
mahi7270  (13 years ago)
Mistakes r many, apologies rfew.. Hurts r many, shoulders tolean r few.. Frnds r many but trueones r few.. Always value 1 whotruely comforts u..
Gous74  (13 years ago)
Dr-aapke 3 daant kaise tut gaye..? Santa- Wife ne sukha halwa banaya tha...Wo khaya. Dr-To halwa khane se mana kar dete! Santa: to 32 ke 32 tut jate.SMILE PLIZ.
atifsony  (13 years ago)

mahi7270  (13 years ago)
Miss u mam
mahi7270  (13 years ago)
True frndshp has got infinitelayers, jst lik onion. U may nt beable to count it But, whn u try tocut it,u ll hav tears in ur eye!
Riyaz01  (13 years ago)
Language is for
Those who are
not in love

For lovers
silence is enough language
without saying anything
They Go on speaking

Take care

with lots of Love


atifsony  (13 years ago)

HE FALL IN LOVE with U Congratulation hehehehe
Mohabbatain  (13 years ago)

Have A Sweet Day..!
Shuaib Alam,A Forgotten Person.

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