MaymayBadgirl (14 years ago)Ayumi unnie!!! I d0n't have al0t 0f time f0r y0u t0day i have tog0 to sch0ol.. Ab0ut y0u'll pay itz n0t imp0rtand the imp0rtand iz i'm n0t free^^
MaymayBadgirl (14 years ago)Im n0t free t0day! Letz be t0m0row ok??
MaymayBadgirl (14 years ago)Shez my friendship!! S0 n0rmal that we're seemz like t0 cl0se kekeke^^^
MaymayBadgirl (14 years ago)Thankz!! Seemz y0u d0nt like jinNy right???
MaymayBadgirl (14 years ago)I never th0ught t0 met y0u in se0ul.. Y0u s0 pretty yumi!
MaymayBadgirl (14 years ago)0kay!! See y0u t0m0r my cute gurl!!! Kekeke^^^