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mukhtar04 Guestbook

abas2081  (12 years ago)
I wish you a beautiful night
wdhamed  (13 years ago)
Heart is like crystal preserve it,love is like aperfume spread it,
feeling are like flood flow it,friendship is like umbrella come lets share it..
Faizanx  (13 years ago)

Best advice in two lines:
“Silence is the best answer for all questions…”
“Smiling is the best reaction in all situations…”

Faizan's wishess for you friend
abas2081  (13 years ago)
Good morning‏ ‏my brothers.
maruf794  (13 years ago)

We aLL nEeD SoMeOnE To TaLk To iN OuR LiFe,
a fRiEnD To wHoM We rUn iN TiMeS Of sTrEsS Or
sTrIfE a fRiEnD WhO’S AlWaYs tHeRe tHrOuGhOuT ThE YeArS,
A FrIeNd wE KnOw WiLL CaRe aNd tAkE AwAy oUr fEaRs.
a fRiEnD WhO’S AlWaYs nEaR, wAiTiNg fOr oUr caLL,
To wIpE AwAy oUr tEaRs, AnD LiFt uS WhEn wE FaLL.
a LoVinG FrIeNd iNdEeD,
oN WhOm wE CaN DePeNd To FuLFiLL oUr eVeRy nEeD ...
tHaNk yOu,mY PrEcIoUs fRiEnD..!

YoU ArE NoT OnLy tHe fRiEnD I FoUnD,
YoU ArE An aNgEl wHo wALkS oN ThE GrOuNd,
i cOuLd sEaRcH My wHoLe LifE ThRoUgH,
AnD I KnOw i’LL NoT FiNd aNoThEr fRiEnD LiKe yOu… !

A SmaLL DoT CaN StOp a bIg sEnTeNcE BuT
FeW MoRe dOtS CaN GiVe iT A CoNtInUiTy...
aMaZiNg bUt tRuE...
mAkE EvErY EnDiNg, A NeW BeGiNnInG.
MiSsInG UuUuUuUuU...
GooD NighT...

TaKe cArE aLwaYs....

hello mukhtar

shakawh  (13 years ago)

mukhtar04  (13 years ago)
take care!!
mukhtar04  (13 years ago)
where r u now?
mukhtar04  (13 years ago)
thnx bby
mukhtar04  (13 years ago)
hi all friends

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