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lounaz Guestbook

Azep007  (12 years ago)
yahikodt  (12 years ago)
Danis84  (12 years ago)
azaz918  (12 years ago)
m£t pg naz
zizo202  (12 years ago)

azaz918  (12 years ago)
lounaz  (12 years ago)
Azep007  (12 years ago)
non kemana ajj kagak prnah liat batang idung lo??
Aziz2163  (12 years ago)
s0 many straws, in 1 milk shake glass:-)
s0 many fight, f0r th0ri si pepsi :-)
s0 many hands, in 1 chips pack :-)
s0 many friends, 0n 1 bench :-)
s0 much laughter, 0n 1 stupid j0ke :-)
s0 many ph0ne calls, 0n birthday night :-)
s0 many hugs, f0r 1 little w0rry :-)
s0 many tears, f0r 1 little fight :-)
'Friends', are the best part 0f 0ur small life..
s0 d0n't l0se and f0rget them at any c0st.
Add me in facebook, Adi Thepure Love
lounaz  (12 years ago)
lucyu mwahhhhh

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