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lizzymcguire Guestbook

maruf794  (13 years ago)
LikE a weLcomE sUmmEr rAiN, smiLe mAy sUddEnLy cLeAnsE aAd cooL thE earTh, thE aiR aAd yOu...sO starT uR dAy witH smiLe aNd aNd eNd yoUr dAy wiTh keeP smiLinG..aNd smiLinG sorry.
alrawyegypt  (13 years ago)
{Image} Good morning # Ayman
Abu1331ubaidah  (13 years ago)
Thanx 4 add....dear...
alrawyegypt  (13 years ago)
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'NeW dAy nEw bLEsSiNg... DoNt LEt yeStErdAys fAiLurEs.. rUiN thE bEaTty of todAy, bcOz eAch dAy hAs iTs oWn prOMiSe of LovE, jOy, foRgivEneSS...' {Image} {Image} where are you frn..
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'EvEryOnE wANts tO bE tHe sUn tHAt LiGhTs uP yOUr LiFe. But I hAd raTHer bE yOUr mÖÖn, sO I cAn sHiNe oN yOu dUriNg yOUr dArKeSt hoUr.. wHEn yOUr sUn iS nOT aRouNd..' chEEr mY fRiENd. itS uR dAy.. wiShiNg tErRific tuEsdAy.. {Image} :**_::_**: {Image} ::**_:**_: (:
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'LifE iS a sToRy wRittEn oN GODS oWn hAnD, I dONt kNOw eXaCtLy hOw YoU cAmE iN mY sToRy, BuT i hOpE yOu wiLL bE iN tOuCh uNtiLL GOD wRitEs mY LasT cHaPtEr'.. WisHing yOu a suPErb niGhT wiTh dEsirEd drEam.. :¤.¤: {Image} :¤.¤:
maruf794  (13 years ago)
DrEamS viSit uS whEn wE aRe aSleEp. But GOD iS tRULy wiSe. He waKes uS uP eAcH dAy aNd giVeS uS evEry cHaNcE tO mAKe oUr dREAMs cOmE tRuE. So dREMm tOnigHt…You wiLL hAvE tO tRuE iT toMoRrOw... Goodnight... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'TherE iS nO timE, No timE tO sparE, ThesE arE thE momentS, In whicH wE sharE, TherE iS nO timE, ForgeT thE pasT, FoR nothinG iS foreveR, ThiS wilL noT lasT, TherE iS nO timE, ThE enD iS neaR, LovE eacH momenT, LivE nOt iN feaR…'havE a feaRlesS smilinG dAy {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} : {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'I nO loNgEr hAvE thE feAr of bEiNg aLonE. It’S cOoL tO finD oUt tHaT yOu don’T nEEd a bOyfRieNd tO bE hAPPy' i mEAn diStuRbiNg friEnD likE mE..lOOk n uR wAlL..i wAs duMPed mANy usELEss wOrDs hErE..i wAnT tO cReAt uR wAlL aLmOsT oLd nEwS pApEr cOz i miSSed yOu frIEnd {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} gOoD nigHt..sWeeT slEeP

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