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ishratali014 Guestbook

raoabi  (13 years ago)

raoabi  (13 years ago)

qadirhusainkhan  (13 years ago)

Being a friend
is not just sharing a joke,
a conversation,
a cup of coffee or a funny story.
It means sharing
an honest and true part of yourself.
I used to think that
the world is so unfair,
that it gave me
so many reasons to hate it.
But now,
how can I hate such
a wonderful world that gave me you?
Qadir husain khan

shaik78650  (13 years ago)
hii friend
shaik78650  (13 years ago)
kiy haal he boos new ho kiy
shaik78650  (13 years ago)
hiii friend how are you
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