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POOJA14379 Guestbook

shaa0007  (13 years ago)
**MaKe a mInD WhIcH NeVeR
mAkE A HeArT WhIcH NeVeR
mAkE A ToUcH WhIcH NeVeR
pAiNs... MaKe a ‘ReLaTiOn’ wHiCh
nEvEr 'EnDs'.
In aNy reLAtIoNsHiP,
tHe eSsEnCe oF TrUsT Is nOt iN
ItS BiNd, AgE, cAsTe oR CrEeD.
BuT In iTs bOnD... So hOlD ThE HaNd oF ThE
PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe...
rAtHeR ThAn eXpEcTiNg tHeM
To hOlD YoUrS...**
EnJoY Ur bEaUtIfUL LifE WiTh cArE..sMiLe & LoVe...

POOJA14379  (13 years ago)
Good night friends
Vignesh00551  (13 years ago)
Hai pooja14379 how r u.IND WON W.INDES shewagh 219 cracked away
AKSHAYKUMAR726  (13 years ago)
This is akshay-thnk u mrs puza 4 da acept.And welcome to da chat.I love my all frnds.
negociateur55  (13 years ago)
thanx for add
Saykat78  (13 years ago)
Hi' friend;
nice ur profile....i m saykat ..from NE ..honestly i respect u..u r so beautiful its really..do u frndship me.....wait here4ur frndship.....@00919774906075 plz add me/msg me.......
Diwana47  (13 years ago)
Thanks pooja.
Balaji143143  (13 years ago)
Hai pööja beauty
Vignesh00551  (13 years ago)
GudMorng Pooja heartly welcome to ownskin.
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