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Uzher1  (13 years ago)




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sullumen  (13 years ago)
hi guys

Anggaresta  (13 years ago)
knapa km hrus mnghilang dari khidupan aq?pdahal aq kngen bgt ma km...........

erma84  (13 years ago)
hi,,,aq jg kangen
ravine44  (13 years ago)
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udangraaccuunn  (13 years ago)
iyoo.. bude.. Kgen yoaann nank ngendi ae
Jeffinsane  (13 years ago)
It's so hard to find U here, surelly never mind #%
zamawi  (13 years ago)
aku tak tau apa yang kurasakan dlm htq saat prtamakli lihat drimu
Hilimonk  (13 years ago)
hai mit...
ily188121  (13 years ago)
hi friend...
pls help me..
in ownskin start one competition(game)
'ownskin jodi of the month'
n i participate it
so pls give a vote...
pls open my id n visit my friend
"bebodreamworld2"(her avtar image is )

n write her pm ya in guestbook with this word


pls for me...
ps pls pls...

her id link is...


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