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Azhar3213 Guestbook

naba21O  (12 years ago)

HEllo Moon,
My friend is Going to Sleep.
Tell to your Brother sun to raise tomorrow late.
Because my friend wants More relax.

****Good Night*****


.`.`.`.`.`.`SLEEP TIGHT.`.`.`.`.`.`

xnirx  (12 years ago)

---╰:╮ ╰:╮---

Some Complicated Thoughts:

The saddest things in life r
to remember d happiest moments
of d past which
seems unlikely 2 happen again in life time!

We Don't Succeed In Our 1st Love!
coz We Lack Certain Qualities.
After Achieving Those Qualities,
We Never Love Again!

Some people hurt by words & some by action
But the biggest hurt i believe is
that someone ignoring u
when u value them bigger than anything else!

We enjoy warmth because we have been cold.
We appreciate light because we have been in darkness.
By the same token,
we can experience joy because we have known sadness.

A Person Who Laughs More
Makes Others Laugh
Would Be Having
A Thunder Storm Sadness
Beneath His Heart...


---╰:╮ ╰:╮---

smile380  (12 years ago)
smile380  (12 years ago)
Have regular hours for work and play;
make each day both useful and pleasant,
and prove that you understand the
worth of time by employing it well.
Then youth will be delightful,
old age will bring few regrets,
and life will become a beautiful success
Hope u r f9
tc, "God bless U"
xnirx  (12 years ago)


Red is the symbol of love

And the yellows talks of friendship

The green tells of richness and progress

The blue guarantees great at heart

The white symbol of peace and pure happiness

There is a rainbow smile n life when all go together………..

Wise thoughts u can follow


1)Early to bed,early to rise,makes u stupid,gives u red eyes.
2)Practice makes a man perfect but nobody’s perfect. so,y practice???
3)V r here to help others, then what exactly r the others for?
4)Money is not everything,after all there’s master card & visa!
5)Ur future depends on ur dreams, so go to sleep!
6)Hard work never killed anybody, but why to take the risk???

{Image} {Image}

{Image} gut night


Azhar3213  (12 years ago)

smile380  (12 years ago)
Listen and Silent are 2 words with same alphabet
& are very important 4 Friendship because
only a friend can listen to u when u r Silent.
keep smiling and take care
smile380  (12 years ago)
KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one.
U sacrifice A lot To keep them.
I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u...
but in my HEART I swear I'm keeping U..
God Bless U
smile380  (12 years ago)
Don't try to better
than someone else.
Try to be better than
who u were yesterday....
God Bless U
xnirx  (12 years ago)

╰♡ ♡╮


1st message- lets break up now, its all over..

2nd msg.-sorry, sorry!! That was not 4 u....


Height of coolness:
Two friends finishing the paper,
coming out of the exam hall,
having a cool drinks and talking.
1st: dude which paper was it?
2nd: may be maths.
1st: that means you did the paper?
2nd: no man the girl next to me was using calculator.


Lkg boy on his way to home with his mom,
saw a couple kissing on the road?
He suddenly shouted and said, look mom,
they are fighting for chewing gum.


Boy: I like that girl.
His friend: she has a boy friend.
Boy: look. A goal post always has a goalkeeper,
but that doesn't mean you can't score goals.

{Image} :

A Boy Went 2 Doctor Wid Infection on His face.
After Checking,
Doctor Said: "Ask ur GF 2 change her lipstick Brand,
u r Allergetic to lakme"..


Face /your/on/smile/ little/a/get/to/ trick /
my/only/was/ this/but/me/ with/angry/get/
will/you/message/ this/reading/ After/ morning/good
(Now Read in reverse)....


╰♡ ♡╮

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