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Anshul52 Guestbook

maruf794  (13 years ago)
WeN U r loNeLy.. m sAd... WeN U r hApPy... m gLaD.... RemEbEr dAt wAt eVEr U feeL..... i feeL iT tWicE..... So.. mY friEnd.. if U misS mE oNcE.. I MisS U tWicE.............. :..¥..: {Image} :..¥..: :.¥.: {Image} :.¥.::.¥.: {Image} :.¥.::.¥.: hello...anshu dada missed yo..wat happened..tell me..if yo want use pm ..now or latter.. panjabi
Anshul52  (13 years ago)
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'LifE iS a sToRy wRittEn oN GODS oWn hAnD, I dONt kNOw eXaCtLy hOw YoU cAmE iN mY sToRy, BuT i hOpE yOu wiLL bE iN tOuCh uNtiLL GOD wRitEs mY LasT cHaPtEr'.. WisHing yOu a suPErb niGhT wiTh dEsirEd drEam.. :¤.¤: {Image} :¤.¤:
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'It doESn't mAttEr WhAt LifE bRinGs oUr wAy.. Now,i’LL aLwAyS rEmEmbEr... How yOu wErE thErE foR mE.. PoUriNg rAiN,frEEziNg snOw Or bLaZiNg sUn... Two friEnds aLwAyS kNoW The love and bOnD wE feLt.. ThAt wiLL nEvEr fAdE aWAy... SomEtimEs it’S hArD kNowiNg I cAn’t sEE yOuR EyEs.. AnD yOu cAn’t hEaR mY vOicE... EvEn tHouGh i kNoW riGhT WhErE yOu arE.. BUt mY DeaR friEnD... ThE LovE wE hAd StiLL rEmaiN thE sAmE.. AnD tHAt wiLL nEvEr diE...' sWeEt niT 2 u mY frn
Ssachin14589  (13 years ago)
Hi bro......
Amaan9559  (13 years ago)
Girl 2 boy-Jab tum log girls ko I L U kehte ho to unka haath kyu pakad lete ho. Boy-Bas apni hifazat ke liye,kahin thapar na mar le gud ni8 swt drmz ANSHU bhaiya
maruf794  (13 years ago)
It was at the end of the school year, and a kindergarten teacher was receiving gifts from her pupils. The florist’s son handed her a gift. She shook it, held it overhead, and said, “I bet I know what it is. Some flowers.” ” That’s right” the boy said, “but how did you know?” “Oh, just a wild guess,” she said. The next pupil was the candy shop owner’s daughter. The teacher held her gift overhead, shook it, and said, “I bet I can guess what it is. A box of sweets.” “That’s right, but how did you know?” asked the girl. “Oh, just a wild guess,” said the teacher. The next gift was from the son of the liquor store owner. The teacher held the package overhead, but it was leaking. She touched a drop of the leakage with her finger and touched it to her tongue. “Is it wine?” she asked. “No,” the boy replied, with some excitement. The teacher repeated the process, taking a larger drop of the leakage to her tongue. “Is it champagne?” she asked. “No,” the boy replied, with more excitement. The teacher took one more taste before declaring, “I give up, what is it?” With great glee, the boy replied, “It’s a puppy!” hErE sOmE inNOCEnt biG pUpPy {Image} sUpEr mOdEl 1 aCtUaLy 2 iN 1 {Image} sUpEr mOdEl 2 {Image} sUpEr mOdEl 3: thE boSS {Image} sUpEr mOdEl 4.: thE hOtteSt {Image} hEy.. cAn yOu hEaR mE? {Image} pUniShEd by tEaChEr {Image} gOoD niGhT sLeEp tiGhT why you sad anshu
333968  (13 years ago)



Ssachin14589  (13 years ago)
Hi bro. Howz u.??
Amaan9559  (13 years ago)
When I don't get ur msg A little pain in My Heart A small tear in My Eyes & Sadness falls on My Face This is called true & honest . . . N-a-u-t-a-n-k-i!!! Gud aftrnoon BHAIYA hv a gr8 time

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