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Anitha45 Guestbooknaba21O (12 years ago) Every"Sunset" Reduce 1"Day From"Life ! But Every"Sunrise" Give 1"More"Day To"Hope ! So, Hope"for The"Best" Happy"New"day Of"beautiful Life.. Good Morning prem765 (12 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} HAPPY MARRY CRISHTMAS MY FRIEND ND GIFT FOR YOU..... naba21O (13 years ago) We always worry about our looks... but the truth is that they neither matter to those who love us nor to those who dont love us. {Image} . . Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love... Makes Life Beautifulprem765 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} prem | |