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DEadD0lLscreAm GuestbookSoUnCool (13 years ago) yeh buh be CaRFULl , yoh cn plAy wiff anythin Buh nOt mah Hair it gts meh hrs tu dye it ..if yoh want so, lemme 1st play wiff yors SoUnCool (13 years ago) wll hvin buddies ar cOol at lEaST yoh wOnt be ov havin 'em arOund yoh & runin yor daizzz ... wll thy cn dO yor tst whenva as lOng as it keps 'm away ov meh ... thn frm nOw on ima yor sis SoUnCool (13 years ago) I guzz yor dadi wantzz hiz dAughter tu beh the Femal version ov Albert Einstein wll sis dats wah most dadz do …oHhh soweei gall, I new it sUckss hvn no bro’z or sis tu fIght wiff em ….buh yoh cn hv me as yoh sis here .. or yoh cn brRow mah sis or BrOo… yoh wll do meh a favor SoUnCool (13 years ago) pLayinnn ?! cOol, nOthin beTTer thn fOOlin arOund .. i gt 1 bRo & 1 lil sis ^^ wah bowt yoh? | |