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aizucbr  (13 years ago)
KeeP SmilinG..

aizucbr  (13 years ago)

HavE a WonderFuL DaY


YoU ArE SweeT As...

rinhoneysweet91  (13 years ago)
ehehe..mnt ngn bckgrnd rin ye?ala..bese la..2 an pkwe rin 2..msti la rmi yg mnat..ehehe..ima sihat?
aizucbr  (13 years ago)

rinhoneysweet91  (13 years ago)
haah2..lam ptghn bln 7..bdk2 kt sini pn bising cmtu..uhuh..uit..boleh ja mau jmpe..nt boleh jd kawn baek..mane la twu..ehehe..
rinhoneysweet91  (13 years ago)
eyh ima..dga cite result upu kua bulan 7 an an?owh..family jao erk?ala..dekat2 an la ngn family 2..law pjg umo..leh jumpe duk lepak kt terminal 1 xpn jj..ehehehe..
SAM8168  (13 years ago)
U chinese ~nice to meet u too
SAM8168  (13 years ago)
Nice to meet u thanks 4u add
AdamRAYYAN  (13 years ago)
i misS u t0o syg by 0n9 mlm ni.. Tnggu tau
rinhoneysweet91  (13 years ago)
boleh ja nk bg thu..
tp kalo rin xdapat..
jgn gelakkan rin taw?
same2 doa kite due dapat U ok?
dekatny ngn rin..
rin kat semban..
btol2 banda seremban..
dekat dengan terminal 1..
ima penah pergi situ x?

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