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sainique01 Guestbook![]() It's not every day I get to express this to you. Thank you so much for a wonderful gift- a piece of life called "FRIENDSHIP". ![]() For the Lord God will not forsake his people for his great Name's sake: because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people. 1 Samuel 12:22 ![]() d0nt walk behind me I may n0t lead. Dont walk in front of me I may n0t f0llow. Just walk besde me and be my frend. Fear ye not therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows. Matthew 10:31 g0odm0rning, kip safe. ![]() NEVER do anything u can't stand for. REMEMBER: Once it's been done there's no turning BACK. Life has NO REWIND so learn to play it right. have a good day! ![]() Promise yourself that upon waking up every day, you will say, "Today, I will be too busy. Too busy being happy that I have absolutely no time to feel bad." yes! have a nice day! Godbless! | |
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