lyleth27 Guestbook NOMI8785 (12 years ago) "GooD = MoRnInGGG" "HaVe.A.NiCe.DaY" " NoMaN.KaMrEDDD" "KiNg.Of.NiGhT" santanu201170 (12 years ago)Good Morning | Forward this Picture Sunday | Forward this Picture Blessings | Forward this Picture Love | Forward this Picture Love | Forward this Picture icechain1493 (12 years ago)hala,,ate naman,,, xenxa na po,, pwd pala mag facebook sa browser...heheh,ai ang saya sanjaayy1 (12 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} A moment of love spent under the window, A tear of eye that wets your pillow, Sometimes pain & sometimes pleasure, When given by loved one, both are treasure… urs sanjay |