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Idea for Valentine Days

lovefaith44 Guestbook

kstarry  (13 years ago)
maruf794  (13 years ago)


> GiViNg tHe 1St sALarY To uR PaReNtS.
> ThinKiNg yOuR LoVe wItH TeArS.
> LoOkinG oLd PhOtOs & sMiLiNg.
> a sWeEt & eMoTiOnaL cHaT WiTh fRiEnDs
> HoLdinG HaNdS WiTh yOuR LoVeD OnEs fOr a WaLk.
> GeTtinG A HuG FrOm oNe wHo cArEs yOu.
> 1St KisS To yOuR ChiLD WhEn hE/sHe iS BoRn.
> tHe mOmEnTs wHeN YoUr eYeS ArE FiLLeD WitH
TeArS AfTeR A BiG LaUgH.**

WaTs uR
TimE FoR SoMe SpLasHiNg LovE..fUn..ChEeRs n
joLLy tImE FoR My FriEnD...
MaY ThE LauGhEr n dReAmS ALwaYs sTaY On yOuR EyE'S...
{Image} hii my sweet frn...happy to see you again

zizo202  (13 years ago)
{Image} {Image}
emad2112  (13 years ago)
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MHODSH  (13 years ago)
Hi., cAn u pLs sPeak'n english c0z i d0nt undrTan U. Hehe thnx!
angelospeg  (13 years ago)

Shahjaan123  (13 years ago)
Dear faith i wants sincere friend same u.i like u.
Shahjaan123  (13 years ago)
Dear faith i wants sincere friend same u.i like u.
Shahjaan123  (13 years ago)
Hi fatih gud morning.i read ur msg today.im abbas 4m pakistan.im textile engineer.u have gud thought 4 me.but i have no more adress.plz connect me only here my inbox.i love u so much.
Shahjaan123  (13 years ago)
Hi fatih gud morning.i read ur msg today.im abbas 4m pakistan.im textile engineer.u have gud thought 4 me.but i have no more adress.plz connect me only here.i love u so much.
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