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jufabie Guestbook

Batterytanniya  (13 years ago)
edward230488  (13 years ago)
I'm fine...
ShinYeong93  (13 years ago)
Ou... me too i am college !
what your majors?
ShinYeong93  (13 years ago)
are u college?
ShinYeong93  (13 years ago)
My day so fine..
Thanks that's super junior backround sorry2 song !!
are u busy??
SoUnCool  (13 years ago)
yessss yOh have tuu
Well, just finsied lunch, and nOw drinkinG Soda Monster
Oh no datinG fOr 2day, if it's meh I'd date my baby Sharky Every day ... Thursday my Special day ...neway, i hav a Party tu go 2niGhttttt
Wbuuu? Did yOh find yOur Cinderalla, while dOin the Concert, i bet 100000 girls were there, and yOh must Choosen Oneee
edward230488  (13 years ago)

Thx dude
So? Hw r u?
SoUnCool  (13 years ago)
yOur welcOm
AnD yesterday we watChed "wOmen in black mOvie" and it ws a real thrillin One OMG! I lOve tu see ppl faCe while watchin and Jumpin frOm the Chair ahahah its fuckin fUnny
Ohh LaptOp sucks sOmetimes
ShinYeong93  (13 years ago)
thanks... good morning too ^^
LorraineHofer  (13 years ago)
hahah yea like dt song

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