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ali42538 Guestbook

ali42538  (13 years ago)
هذا إيميل تجارب فقط @التواصلhttp://www.ownskin.com/home?u=00000Joker1978
mlcha  (13 years ago)

Cute pictures here!

Cute pictures here!

Cute pictures here!

ali42538  (13 years ago)

ali42538  (13 years ago)

// Visit our site at http://www.star28.com/ for more code
if (document.all){
Sp=new Array();S=new Array();Y=new Array();
C=new Array();M=new Array();B=new Array();
RC=new Array();E=new Array();Tcc=new Array(0,1);
for(i=0; i ");

for(j=0; j '+Tcc[r]+'';

if (Y > window.document.body.clientHeight){
for(i2=0; i2

ali42538  (13 years ago)

/* This credit MUST stay intact for use */
/* Visit our site at http://www.star28.com/ for more code */

else {
if (ie4up) {
if (i == 0) {
else {
function initRain() {
a = 6;
r = 1;
sn = Math.sin(a);
cs = Math.cos(a);
cx = Math.random() * doc_width + 1;
cy = Math.random() * doc_height + 1;
x = r * sn + cx;
y = cy;
function makeRain() {
r = 1;
cx = Math.random() * doc_width + 1;
cy = 1;
x = r * sn + cx;
y = r * cs + cy;
function updateRain() {
r += s;
x = r * sn + cx;
y = r * cs + cy;
function raindropNS()

ali42538  (13 years ago)

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

ali42538  (13 years ago)
¡charset "UTF-8";
çTheme Name: çdefault V1
çFilename: ççstyles/default/css3.css
çpackage:ççKleeja copyright(c)2007-2010
çAuthor: ççTar3Q
ç-------------------------------------------------- */

/* #Snow Leopard Safari Type Fix ----------- */ç
çbody ä-webkit-text-stroke: 1px rgba(255,255,255,.01); ñ

ç#Text Shadow
ç--------------------------------------- */
ç/* ¡White text shadow ------- */
çbody ätext-shadow: 0 0 2px #fff;ñ
çh1 ä text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #FFFF80;ñ
ç/* ¡Dark gray text shadow ------- */
ç.top§nav .menu li a.current, .guide§user§th, .guide§visitor§th, .tit , .file§cp thead th , .tabledata thead th,
ç#right§menu .list a,ç#right§menu .list a.current,ç#footer .admin§cp§link span,ç#boxfileuser .public ä
çtext-shadow: 0 0 2px #444;ñ
/* ¡end */

ç#Box Shadow
ç--------------------------------------- */ç
ç/* ¡Orange Light Shadow --------------- */
çinput, textarea, selectä-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #F3CFB3;-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #F3CFB3;-khtml-box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #F3CFB3;box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #F3CFB3;ñ
ç/* ¡Orange Light Shadow --------------- */
çinputÄtype="file"Ñä-moz-box-shadow: none;-webkit-box-shadow: none;-khtml-box-shadow: none;box-shadow:none;ñ
ç/* ¡Orange Shadow --------------- */
çinputÄtype="text"Ñ:hover, inputÄtype="text"Ñ:focus, inputÄtype="password"Ñ:hover, inputÄtype="password"Ñ:focus,
çtextarea:focus, textarea:hover,çselect:hover, select:focusä
ç-moz-box-shadow:0 0 4px #D26900;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 4px #D26900;-khtml-box-shadow:0 0 4px #D26900;box-shadow:0 0 4px #D26900;ñ
ç/* ¡White Shadow (4) pixel ------------- */
ç.border§radius,ç.tabbertab,çul.tabbernav li a,ç#footer a.admin§cp§link,ç.data§file .filereport ä
ç-moz-box-shadow : 0px 0px 4px #FFFFFF;-webkit-box-shadow : 0px 0px 4px #FFFFFF;-khtml-box-shadow : 0px 0px 4px #FFFFFF;
ali42538  (13 years ago)
AudioVideoConfigDefault Version 1.1;
UseProxy:Integer = 0;
Proxy:String = "";
ProxyPort:Integer = 1091;
Timeout:Integer = 40000;
ConnTimeout:Integer = 60000;
MaxDelBandwidth:Integer = 40200;
DemandBWFactor:Integer = 111;
AutoScale:Integer = 1;
HorizontalAlignment:Integer = 0;
VerticalAlignment:Integer = 0;
MinUDPPort:Integer = 15000;
MaxUDPPort:Integer = 18000;
AccessPoint:Integer = 8;
Contrast:Integer = 50;
RTSPReferer:String = "";
GPRSMaximumBandwidth:Integer = 40200;
GPRSSustainBandwidth:Integer = 28140;
GPRSMaximumBWPresets:Integer = ä 9050, 13400, 18100, 27150, 40200 ñ;
GPRSSustainBWPresets:Integer = ä 6335, 9380, 12670, 19005, 28140 ñ;
EGPRSMaximumBandwidth:Integer = 89600;
EGPRSSustainBandwidth:Integer = 53760;
EGPRSMaximumBWPresets:Integer = ä 44800, 59200, 89600, 108800 ñ;
EGPRSSustainBWPresets:Integer = ä 26880, 35520, 53760, 65280 ñ;
WCDMAMaximumBandwidth:Integer = 384000;
WCDMASustainBandwidth:Integer = 268800;
WCDMAMaximumBWPresets:Integer = ä 64000, 128000, 192000, 256000, 320000, 384000 ñ;
WCDMASustainBWPresets:Integer = ä 44800, 89600, 134400, 179200, 224000, 268800 ñ;
WLANMaximumBandwidth:Integer = 320000;
WLANSustainBandwidth:Integer = 240000;
WLANMaximumBWPresets:Integer = ä 64000, 128000, 192000, 256000, 320000, 384000 ñ;
WLANSustainBWPresets:Integer = ä 44800, 89600, 134400, 179200, 240000, 268800 ñ;

ali42538  (13 years ago)
13:44:37,164000 : whatsapp.py(1182) : SW V 05.11 21-04-08 RM-243
13:44:37,224000 : whatsapp.py(1183) : Nokia-6120c-(B20.01), S60 3.1
13:44:37,253000 : whatsapp.py(1190) : WhatsApp 2.6.47 (20060) [2011-11-17] external
13:44:37,288000 : whatsapp.py(1241) : phone-info: number=, imei=358641017646455, imsi=606001004096801
13:44:37,316000 : whatsapp.py(1199) : log-process: heap-python: alloc=1695164, size=1785736
13:44:37,348000 : whatsapp.py(1204) : log-process: heap-user: alloc=388552, size=1048456
13:44:37,461000 : appviews.py(1030) : chats/relative-times-update-scheduled: at=(2011, 11, 24, 0, 0, 5)
13:44:38,977125 : appviews.py(1185) : favorites/update
13:44:39,034000 : monitor.py(63) : EBatteryInfoChange: Status=PoweredByBattery, ChargeLevel=100
13:44:39,066000 : whatsapp.py(1223) : drive-free: C=10692608, Z=0, E=951500800, D=5312512
13:44:40,274000 : appviews.py(2848) : phone-entry: cc=u'+218'
13:44:40,308000 : ui.py(99) : ui/view-open: RegisterView
13:44:40,627125 : ui.py(126) : ui/view-close: SplashView
13:44:41,004000 : pictographdrawer.cpp(854) : *** EMOJI CPictographDrawer/HandleScaleDecodeCompleteL, iPictographSupportedSetsCount: 2, err: 0
13:44:44,541000 : pictographdrawer.cpp(817) : *** EMOJI CPictographDrawer/LoadBitmapSetL, set count: 2
13:44:44,975125 : pictographdrawer.cpp(854) : *** EMOJI CPictographDrawer/HandleScaleDecodeCompleteL, iPictographSupportedSetsCount: 3, err: 0
13:44:49,007000 : pictographdrawer.cpp(817) : *** EMOJI CPictographDrawer/LoadBitmapSetL, set count: 3
13:44:49,460000 : pictographdrawer.cpp(854) : *** EMOJI CPictographDrawer/HandleScaleDecodeCompleteL, iPictographSupportedSetsCount: 4, err: 0
13:44:49,798125 : appviews.py(2866) : phone-entry/validate: u'+218', u''
13:44:49,849125 : appviews.py(2898) : phone-entry/error: u'+218', u'', Phone number must not be empty.
13:44:54,309000 : pictographdrawer.cpp(817) : *** EMOJI CPictographDrawer/LoadBitmapSetL, set count: 4
13:44:54,811250 : pictographdrawer.cpp(854) : *** EMOJI CPictographDrawer/HandleScaleDecodeComplete
ali42538  (13 years ago)

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

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