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SHAHADATH86 Guestbook

maruf794  (12 years ago)

''ShOrT LoVe sToRy:
BoY: I LoVe yOuR SmiLE
GirL : I LoVe mY SmiLe ToO BuT WhY Do yOu LovE It ?
BoY : I LoVe iT BeCaUsE I LoVe sEeInG YoU HaPpY
wHy dO YoU LoVe iT ?
GirL : BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE ReAsOn fOr iT...''

WhEn yOu rEaD A LoVe qUoTe...
u nEvEr tHiNk oF ThE PeRsOn wHo hAs wRiTtEn
Or sEnD ThE QuOtE
BuT YoU aLwaYz tHiNk oF ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe tHe mOsT
CarE ThAt pErSoN WhO CaRe yOu..LovE ThAt pErSoN WhO LoVe yOu...

FriEnDs aRe LifE.So i TeLL U Ur mY LiFe...

333968  (13 years ago)


maruf794  (13 years ago)


> GiViNg tHe 1St sALarY To uR PaReNtS.
> ThinKiNg yOuR LoVe wItH TeArS.
> LoOkinG oLd PhOtOs & sMiLiNg.
> a sWeEt & eMoTiOnaL cHaT WiTh fRiEnDs
> HoLdinG HaNdS WiTh yOuR LoVeD OnEs fOr a WaLk.
> GeTtinG A HuG FrOm oNe wHo cArEs yOu.
> 1St KisS To yOuR ChiLD WhEn hE/sHe iS BoRn.
> tHe mOmEnTs wHeN YoUr eYeS ArE FiLLeD WitH
TeArS AfTeR A BiG LaUgH.**

WaTs uR
TimE FoR SoMe SpLasHiNg LovE..fUn..ChEeRs n
joLLy tImE FoR My FriEnD...
MaY ThE LauGhEr n dReAmS ALwaYs sTaY On yOuR EyE'S...

maruf794  (13 years ago)

**ImaGiNe iF AlL ''ReLAtioNsHiPs'' R PeRfEcT:

...nO FiGhTs ...nO TeArS ...No aRgUmEnTs,
...nO MiSuNdErStAnDiNgS
DrEAm cOmE TrUe...
BuT wItHoUt tHeSe, ThErE WoUlD Be…
...No sOrRy ...hUgS & KiSsEs,
...nO SaYiNg oF ThE SwEeTeSt wOrDs,
...nO ReAsOnS To sTaY.
...nO GrOwTh oF FaItH In bOtH Of yOu.
NoW wOuLd yOu wAnT It tO Be pErFeCt
TrUe ReLAtioNsHiP bLosSoMs,
WheN YoU WiLL Be sOrRy fOr yOuR MiStAkEs,
hUgS & KiSsEs...
A ChAnCe oF SaYiNg oF ThE SwEeTeSt wOrDs...
FiNd rEaSoNs tO StAy....
GroW FaItH In bOtH Of yOu....:**gOOd NiGhT...

NAJ33BA  (13 years ago)

maruf794  (13 years ago)

''WhEn iTs hArD To hIdE YoUr tEaRs
ThEn nEvEr mInD sTaRt cUtTiNg aN OnIoN...
LeT ThE HeArT CrY yOu jUsT SmiLE..
AnD BLamE ThE OnIoN.
ThAt’s LifE!!!
If yOu'rE SiNgLe, ThEn eNjOy yOuR FrEeDoM.
If yOu’rE In a rElAtIoNsHiP,
tHeN EnJoY YoUr rElAtIoNsHiP.
If yOu'rE SePaRaTeD,
ThEn tAkE CaRe aNd sTaRt tO EnJoY
ThE ReMaInInG PaRt oF YoUr LifE.
WhAtEvEr pArT Of LifE It iS,
iT'S VeRy iMpOrTaNt tO EnJoY It!!''

So wHaTeVeR YoU Do, JuSt eNjOy iT..! gOoD NiGhT...

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maruf794  (13 years ago)

maruf794  (13 years ago)

''A ReLaTiOnShIp iS NoT HoLdInG HaNdS
WhIlE YoU UnDeRsTaNd eAcH OtHeR,
It’s aBoUt hAvInG LoTs oF MiSuNdErStAnDiNgS &
StIlL NoT LeAvInG EaCh oThEr’s hAnDs...

EvErY StRuGgLe iN YoUr LifE HaS ShApEd yOu
IntO ThE PeRsOn yOu aRe tOdAy
Be tHaNkFuL FoR ThE HaRd tImEs...
ThEy cAn oNlY MaKe yOu sTrOnGeR...
HOpEfuL nIgHt...pEaCeFuL TiMe...
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