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RHADA56 Guestbook

Fatimahajja  (12 years ago)
bohna  (12 years ago)
Although this virtual friendship,
But matters it is nice in that form to get greeting. In the nice words
and wishes of woodcock,
warmth and serenity,
and forget for a moment though,
that blows through the window.
So Do not pick this friendship,
let them continue to flourish,
because someone is waiting somewhere
in the distance, and your words read.
Milutkiego day. Kisses.


zheyv  (12 years ago)
jawa timur
zheyv  (12 years ago)
iya kah??
zheyv  (12 years ago)
kenapa apanya?
zheyv  (12 years ago)
zheyv  (12 years ago)
iya..asli mana e kamu?
zheyv  (12 years ago)
bohna  (12 years ago)
WELCOME .. .. ஜ ♥ ● • • 0 • ˙
Ordinary moments and ordinary days ..
We live in them and I and Thou.
While the usual gray and common for me
beauty is hidden in them. Small joy
and happiness are sparks of everyday life.
And a nice smile on the faces of loved
ones which is lucky for me.
I do not want the treasures
and mountains with sesame seeds
because these sparks of daily living
for me the treasures of the whole world.
GREETS nice and warm ─ ═ ڿڰڿ ☻ ڿڰڿ ═ ─
Cheerful soiree AFTERNOON AND I WISH


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