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Idea for Valentine Days

Luckylakshs Guestbook

finny4sw  (13 years ago)
hi . . .
judson66  (13 years ago)
mustafaallawati  (13 years ago)
GIFzona.com авторская анимация
nila1240  (13 years ago)
Lux yen yen mela kopama ethavathu thita vathu sei exam kuda padika mudiala plz pesu
nila1240  (13 years ago)
Lux yen pesamatra ethuva irrunthalum sollu na athuku pinadi pesala plz
nila1240  (13 years ago)
nila1240  (13 years ago)
Lux nan yarnu theriu tha yen kopama pesamatra
shaa0007  (13 years ago)
*tHe hEaRt iS LiKe a fLoWeR…
UnLeSs iT Is oPeN It cAnNoT ReLeAsE ItS FrAgRaNcE InTo tHe wOrLd. tHe fRaGrAnCe oF ThE HeArT Is mAdE
Up oF ThE QuALiTieS AnD
ViRtUeS Of oUr sPiRiT.
MoSt oF Us hAvE LeArNeD HoW To
kEeP OuR HeArT CLosEd
iN A WoRLd ThAt WouLD TrAmpLE aLL OvEr uS If wE LeT It.
bEiNg oPeN HeArTeD ToDaY SeEmS
To rEqUiRe tReMeNdOuS CoUrAgE.
It iS A CoUrAgE WhIcH CoMeS OnLy
wHeN We rEaLiZe tHaT No oNe cAn
hUrT Us, nO MaTtEr wHaT ThEy sAy oR Do.
tHeY MaY HuRt oUr bOdY,
bUt iF We hAvE ReAiLzEd wE ArE
nOtHiNg oUtSiDe cAn tOuCh uS, iF We
sO DeCiDe. LiTtLe bY LiTtLe, pRaCtIcE OpEnInG
YoUr hEaRt tO ThOsE...
YoU ThInK HaVe hUrT YoU.
ReALizE It wAsN’T ThEm tHaT HuRt
It wAs yOuRseLF. AnD It tAuGhT YoU NoT To tRuSt aNd
yOu cLoSeD YoUr hEaRt.
a cLoSeD HeArT Is iN NeEd oF
aNd wHeN YoU Do,yOu wIlL HaVe bEgUn tO HeAl yOuRseLF.* PeOpLe wiLL ALwaYs tHrOw
sToNeS In oUr pAtH …. !!
iT DePeNdS On uS …. !!
wHaT Do wE MaKe fRoM It : 'A WaLL oF DiFfIcuLtIEs Or A WaLL oF SuCcEsS '

shaa0007  (13 years ago)
Night Is A Nice Gift,
So Open
The Gift
By Closing
Your Eyes
You Will See The Another
Wonderful World
Waiting For You …Enjoy It With

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