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Love4friends  (12 years ago)
Missing someone when you are alone is not affection.......


thinking of someone even when you r busy is called real affection...
DIE FOR TRUTH.... good morning
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
Thrilling story:-

Family members are mom, dad & son(hero)...

* Introduction *

Hero saw a girl, she is opposite of his house and both were in love (song)...

1day dad saw them..


Dad: y r u moving closly with her?

Son: I love & i'll marry her..!

* Climax *

Dad: Imposible,

she's ur sister. good morning
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
{Image} When Nails are Growing ! We Cut Our Nails Not Fingers . Similarly When Problems are Rising We Should Cut Problems Not Relationships........ GoOd MoRnInG {Image}
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
{Image} Ur life is long time ! We meet for short time ! But.. U will be in my heart at life time ....! My sweet heart friend I will not miss u any time ...! Ur's JIMY {Image}
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
Deepest care is da biggest sorrow in dis wrld..
Nvr care 4 a prsn more dan ur lyf,
It'l hurt u alot
Wen u realize dat ur care wasn't der need..gudmrng
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
{Image} I like this world because u live here, i like the wind because it touches u,i like the sun bcoz it shines on u, i love god bcoz he made u to b my sweet friend , GOOD MORNING {Image}
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
{Image} If 5 seconds of smile can make a photograph more beautiful,
Then just imagine if you keep smiling always how beautiful ur life will be!
B happy always
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
{Image} SOMETIMES Sorry means -It's not my fault,Its yours,Accept it,It would make me feel bettr..

SOMETIMES Good Night means- Don't keep d phone stupid, I want 2 talk more..

SUMTYMS Take Care means, I m nt wel & need 2 b cared 4..

SUMTYMS Disconecting a phne means- Call me back,I wnt u 2 persuade me vid smthin special..

SUMTYMS hate you means, i like you soo much which i cant even explain..

SUMTYMS miss you means m waiting for your call..

SUMTYMS Smile means more dan Tears
SUMTYMS Tears r mor satisfying dan Smile..

Thr r very few ppl
who understand dese exceptionalities & dese ppl r found only SUMTYM {Image}
Love4friends  (12 years ago)

Why do poeple like me &
hate u ?

DEATH Replid to LOVE:
Because you are a 'Lie' and
I am the 'Truth'.
Good morning
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
Relations nvr leave ech othr,
or nvr break....
they jst sometimes sit silently,
deep in each othrs heart

"I am still here,
r u there..?"

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