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Idea for Valentine Days

Andreas35 Guestbook

Cool2027  (13 years ago)
AnDy gOod nIgHt & SwEet DrEamS
behindthesmile  (13 years ago)
thats good i'm glad u happy
behindthesmile  (13 years ago)
no its not that i had a bf but i broke up with him cause i didnt really know him the only reason i said i'd be his gf cause he annoyed me and i felt sori for him so yeah i couldnt be with him cause i really dont want to be with someone i dont love and now he stalks me and tells me he loves me all the time and he is annoying me right now
Cool2027  (13 years ago)
Andy ur gf there or in real life?
Cool2027  (13 years ago)
ok...its ok...my bf's name is SAMUEL
danelfiriel  (13 years ago)

Cool2027  (13 years ago)
A N D Y SMiLe anD Be hApPy
Cool2027  (13 years ago)
aNdY YeS I haVE Wot bouT U
behindthesmile  (13 years ago)
behindthesmile  (13 years ago)
hi sori for late replay

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